Welcome To Utila

south end of the mesoamerican barrier reef system
south end of the mesoamerican barrier reef system

About Me Elementor

About Me

Okay, Presently, I’m in the category of “retired.” Hah! I’ve been tired since my teenage years. Still tired but now there is time for power naps. I’m in my geezer stage of life and I’ll accept the earned privileges of using some salty humor and/or language, the lack of tact or politically incorrectness and just be directly and honestly me. This is not meant to offend anyone- I’m actually poking fun at myself. My background life experiences are U.S. born, blue-collar, dual income family with both small town and large city living. Not New For City. Look at the other coast. I’ve been married, divorced, a single parent and then snagged myself a significant other. I’ve owned homes that we built or remodeled an-nd hired-out a construction company in Utila to build our last home. Most of my (tourist) travels have been in the U.S. by plane or cross country road trips. I’m not going to post a picture of myself and I’ll let you guess whether I’m male or female. And really, does it matter? I’m old. Anyone over 35 years old – is old – right? I haven’t seen the age of 35 for decades. There are no pretty or good looking “old” people, so there you go. Wouldn’t want to stress you over “un-seeing” that image. Think about the blues of the ocean and the rhythmic shush of the waves. Cool mountain vistas and ocean breezes. Gorgeous sunrises and sunsets. Calming. No? This is my life now. I love it here!

Ive been married, divorced, a single parent and then snagged myself a significant other. I've owned homes that we built or remodeled an-nd hired-out a construction company in Utila to build our last home.