What to know about the South Shore: The reason why property taxes are reasonable? No fire department. No police department or medical clinic located on the South Shore. No garbage pickup. No municipal water supplies. Everybody manages their own sewer & gray water. No cable. No paved streets and (a side note) expect that the trail will become a river or lake whenever it rains here. Intermittent electrical. No natural gas lines – what is available is dirty butane (instead of propane) – no delivery company either. Cell phone service is intermittent with plenty of no service areas. If you are not a native Honduran – no ownership of firearms. 

So! Is your dream still standing? Can you roll, like the song “Tuff Enuff?” In future postings, I further detail all these “no” issues  along with local critters, food, shipping, stories… Of course, these are all my opinions, observations, experiences and for your entertainment. Cheers!